Natchitoches 19th Sept 1819
Dear Sir
Since I have arived at this place from Mount Prairie I have had
a Severe spell of Sickness as also a number of the Sitizens of this
place has had the same misfortune to struggle with and some of
them was not able to withstand the tortures which they ware
inflicted with they have left the stage and gone to the world unknown—
but for my part with good care, and a great expence with the
Doctors I believe I shall Recover, I am able to walk about and
View past times when I was at home or in a healthy country and
whare I enjoyed health and whare I had something to pay the
Doctor if I owed him or if I owed any person and had not wharwith
to pay I could go to work and make something, but to my
missfortune I am not able to do what I would wish to do, and if it is m
Your power to remit to me by J Morrison the Small sum which Mr
J. Bryan owes me, it probably will deliver me from shame and
[when in] health will be enabled to Start in the new—if Mr. Bryan
has not returned I hope you will consider my case, and will make
a settlement for him, with J Morrison who I have authorised to
settle my accompts with Mr Bryan—
James Farris
Mr S F Austin
[Addressed:] Mr Stephen F Austin Mount Prairie By J. Morrison