Herculaneum March 28 1821
My Dear Son
You may justly think that your Father has cast you from his
protection and forgotten that he has such a son living, but that
is not the case, could I have jeleaved your situation I would have
don so month [s] past—I returned from St. Antonio in the province
of Texas five days since after undergoing everything but Death.
For these sufferings I have been fully paid by obtaining a grant
for myself and family of land and also for 300 families—I shall
settle on the Colorado within (2) miles of the sea and three days
sale from the Mississippia—Where I shall lay of a town under
the protection of the Spanish Government the River Colorado is
situated in the province of Texas in latitude 27 N on the Spanish
Main (3) days south of Mississippia (3) Days sale from Havana 5
from Jamaca 7 from St Domingo a spot of country desirable to
behold—overflowing with Wealth and Health in this situation I
shall soon reinstate myself in property. I have already offers to fill
up the families which will bring me about 18,000 dollars but of
this I will write you more fully I returned from the low country
by the via of Natches in a steam boat and shall descend the river
the same way. your Dear Mother I shall leave with your sister
until next year. I wish to be in Orleans in all May next if I can
settle my business in this country—which I think I can do in a few
Inclosed you have a draft on your Brother Stephen for 150
dollars payable in ninety days—this, draft will be absolutely paid and
I have written Mr Walker to that Amount. I hope you may make
use of it to discharge your debts I will send you 50 dollars more in
Kentucky money if to be had as soon as you obtain the bill try
to close your debts and return to this place I wish much to see you
before I leave this for the Spanish Country—
Your Brother is at New Orleans doing well and is the Editor of
a Paper—I shall see him in May—I shall take my passage from
that place round to the Colorado and commence my establishment—
If you cannot make use of the bill on your brother god knows
when I shall obtain money to discharge you the draft will be
absolutely paid that you may assure whomever you have to pay it to,
as the mail is about to start for Harrison I cannot say more. God
bless you my son and look up for happy Days
Affectionate Father
M Austin
[Addressed:] Mr James E. B. Austin NicholesVill Kentucky