Maria Austin to James E. B. Austin, 08-03-1821 Maria Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-10-2011 James E. B. Austin Herculaneum, MO Nicholasville, KY Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 404-406 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 08-03-1821 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Death of his father. Finances.

Herculan[e]um August the 3—1821

my dear Son

I wrote you in June, giving, you an account of your dear Fathers death, Since that period my health has been so bad I have not been able to visit this place till about ten days ago— I got your Brother B to write you by the firs[t] mail that went out, also to Mr Walker— it tis impossible for me to discribe the anxiety and many painfull felings I experience in Consequence of your detention in Kentuckey and not haveing it in my power to releive you, I now flatter myself I have a prospect before me of releiveing you and puting it in your power to return once more to your unhappy mother— I find from a letter I have lately received from my ancient G-Mother, that I am intitled to $100, 50 [$150]—and perhaps more, from the men that purchased the land I sold in Jersey some years ago—Emeditly, on the receipt of this information, I wrote to Mr W C-Carr, requesting him to Sattisfy Mr Morton—and I would write on to Couzen E Sharp to transmit the money to him— I have not received an answer to my letter, neither can I—as I wrote yesterday; let you know whether he agrees to my proposition, by this Mail however you will probably know Soon after you receive this—as I requested him to write by the first mail to Mr Morton, provided he thought proper to Comply with my request, Mr Bryan is mackeing every Arrangement in his power to Settle his business So as to leeve this Country by the last of Septr. or October and Joine your Brother S on the Collorado, where I expect he has, by this time arrived— I received a letter by the last Arkanw mail dated the 28 of June from Nacotoches, he was waiting the arrival of his dear departed Father, not being acquainted with the meloncholy event, as he had left New Orleans ten days previous to my letters reatching that place—however he left directions with his friend Mr Hawkins to open my letters and if his Fathers illniss terminated in death, to Send on an express to overtake him; which he writes me he did, in a few hours after learning the distressing truth, so I flatter myself he knows ere this, the great and Irreparable loss he has Sustaind in the death of such a parent, at this Important time— I have every reason to hope dear Stephen will Succeed in the enterpprise, as the representitive of his Father the grant will be transferd to him, he will be oblighed, to go to St Antone to see the Govornor instead of going strait to the Colorado, Several Officers with a guard was Sent in, with a Confermation of the grant for 300,000 acers of land, with the privalage of taking three hundred famalys with him and theay had ordors to conduct him and as many of his folloers as chose to go, at this time, with him, to the place and tacke possesion— oh my Son, how it greives my heart when I reflect on the hardships Sufferings and fatigue he had to go through to effect this great object and now to know that all his fond and flattering expectations of realizeing future welth and indipendence are now buried in the Silent tomb—for this afflictive, dispensation we can find but little Consolation, though we should endeavour to Seeke it—in that resignation which we owe to the will of heavan withe me life is hardly worth asking for, my health is so poor but for the sake of my dear Children I shall exert myself to meet this and every other inrode upon my happyniss with the fortitude Necessary to sustain it, I am sorry to tell you this place is geting very sickly, E Bates famaly has been very ill with the fever also H Austins and allmost every other in the place, I shall shortly return to Hazel run as your Sister is very lonesome without her mother— I Sincearly pray this may be the last letter I shall write vou in Ky—if Mr Carr will settle your bill with Mr Morton, we shall be able to Sattisfy Mr Walker before your brother B[ryan] leaves this—you must at all events return in time to go down with him in October, if I receive a letter to my sattisfaction from Mr Car[r], I will write you by the next mail and I hope you will not loose a moment but get on to Louisvell[e] and get a passage on the best terms you can, the money will be paid on your arrival here— your old friends appear very anxious to see you and I think will give you a sincear welcome— Mr Honey arrived in his steam boat two days ago from New O—he saw Stephen the day he started for Nacs—Says he loocks well and is highly esteemd no young man has more friends, and that he will be aided by the first people in N O—Mr Honey is very friendly indeed so you must get the better of your prejudice to him he is now connected in the famaly and surely it tis better to live in friendship than otherwise, I have filled my paper before I knew it, farewell

M Austin

[Addressed:] Mr James B Austin NicholasVill Kentucky