Belleview [Missouri] Dec 24th 1821
Received of Robert C. Bruffy the sum of two hundred and Sixty
five Dollars Interest and principle of a Judgement obtained against
said Bruffey at Nov Term 1821—in favour of Rob P. Guyard as
security for Stephen F. Austin, said Rob P. Guyard having obtained
a judgment against S. F. Austin at Nov Term 1819—for two hundred
thirty eight dollars thirty eight cents which judgement said Robert
P. Guyard sold and transfered to me—I say received in full of all
debts, dues and demands the date above written—
John F Guyard
Test Oliver Williams
[Endorsed:] Paid Brickey
Fees— 7.30
Fees 2.15
ShFF. do 1.00 with Interest
Lawyers fee $6.
$16.75 cts
Paid Rob. C Bruffey twenty dollars
Jas E B Austin [Rubric]
Receipt for Judgt in favr Rob Guyard 24th Decr 1821