Lincoln, State of Missouri.
Dec. 25th 1821.
Dear Sir
A number of the Citizens of this County, through me, have
presumed to address a letter to you, understanding that you are at
Potosi; the object of which is to request you to inform us of the
certainty of the report concerning a territory in the Province of
Texas, which territory according to an extract of a letter published in
the newspaper said to have been from yourself, you have the
disposal of. We wish, if you will be so good as to condescend to write
us, to know 1st If that letter was from yourself: and if so how many
families are wanting; If the time for those families to come is
limited; if any have come; what probability of getting supplies for
family until it could be raised; how far from St. Louis; the best
route by Land; which the preferable way to come by Land or Water;
and if Liberty of Conscience [is] allowed of—
We would first observe that the families who now trouble you, are
from a southern climate S. C. and are all farmers; and are
determined for a warmer Climate. Your compliance will therefore confer
the greatest favor - Please write as soon as possible after the receipt
of this - and direct your letter to the undersigned who is Post Master
Ast. at Stoutsfort P. 0. Lincoln County Mo. Please excuse our
liberty in consequence of the subject, While We Remain
Daniel Draper
Mr. Stephen F. Austin Potosi, Missouri
Post Master at Potosi, if Mr. Austin is not there, and is any where
in Mo. please forward this, If he is not in Mo. please drop a line to
the Post Master at Stouts fort Mo.