E. A. Elliott to James Bryan, 12-26-1821 E. A. Elliott Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-12-2011 Mr Grafton James Bryan St. Genevieve, MO Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 456-458 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 12-26-1821 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Political and family news.

St Genevieve Decr 26 [1821]

Mr James Bryan

Dr Sir Mr Hatch from the Little Rock caleled on me yesterday Eight days from that place— I am happy to Inform you he passed Brother Henry and party Friday morning near the Crossing of St Francis River— all in good health and high glee— Henry inform[e]d you of the proposed arrangements for Quieting all further altercation between the contending partiesHatch says the oppisite party are much chagrind at the result, while our party exult at the prospect of peace and rapid Improvements, the printing office is to be extablished imediately and many respectable Familys will soon move in, particular our Officers of Government and our Judges Lawyers etc—, another circumstance will eventuly be in our favour the Surveyors appointed by our Government to run the line of the Choctaw Treaty have by express from Washington been ordered to stop any further proceedings on that line and have come in— Hugh Bradley from Long Prarie also came in as express stopping all Further surveys of Public Lands South of the Arkansas untill the actual line between the U States and Texas have been assertained and run—which is to be done soon; I think it will be the means of giveing a sure and profitable Job to my Brother a large number of Settlements will be made on the Arkansas this coming season a number of waggons and family from Kentucky and Tennesse have also passed the rock lately on their way to Texes and by their report their will be an immence Emigration this comeing season—, General Hogan has run through most of his property has been compelled to part with his most valuable negros but I flatter myself that Mr Ashley has secured our debt against him— we had a letter from Cousin Mary, in good health— Mr Ashly had not returned from the Courts at Hempstead and Miller countys but was dayly expected,— a Number of familys from Mount Praarie are preparing to Start and Join S. F. A as soon as possible but a number of those who talked of going have declined as they can not swallow the Spanish Oath— Mr Vaughn and Mr Scallings at the Little Missouria are both dead with a number more in that neighbourhood

With regret I inform you of the unfortunate death of our Friend Colo. English of Hempsted, he had the last season Erected a complete Cotton Gin this fall he went to the post of Washington to purchase ropes and Bagging for his Establishment, (he by accident met there with Mrs English Sick and destitute of the common necessarys of life—although he had been so deeply injured by her he hired a House and Servant to attend her during her sickness and left funds for her future subsistance on Condition she should never again see his children for as a Mother she could have no further claim to them,) a few days after he returned while engaged at the Gin the Sleve of his shirt caught by the Saw Cylender and drew in his arm which was torn to peicies, in trying to extricate it his other hand was caught most of the hand was torn off and other ways much wounded the consequence was a mortification and he died in great misery— I have also heard that the Vessells and Familys which were to go from New Orleans to Join S. F. A. had started and that their was others in preparation—and also that Stephen was engaged in Survey- and takeing Soundings of the Bay of St. Bernard for the purpose of assert [ainjing the best Chanells etc.—

My health is some better yet I suffer much pain; from the presant appearance of the weather I have but little prospect of getting to St Louis one of my legs is very much swelled the Cords of the knee appear to be much contracted and fear will never regain their Elastic[i]ty— have not yet been out— but enough of my Complaints

the family are all well Sister Mary joins in love to Emily and little ones

this will be handed you by Mr Grafton—if you have any news please write me

E A Elliott