Prairie de Rocher Dec 29th 1821
In corrisponding with my friends in Kentucky and Ohio, I learn
that several of them are desirous of settling in the Spanish
Territory:—Knowing that you were forming a settlement in that
country; I saw no readier way of satisfying their enquires respecting it
than by applying to you for information. In addressing you, Sir,
on this subject I am less influenced by the very slight acquaintance
which happened between us at Potosi than by the belief that it may
be your interest and wish to communicate inteligence of this kind
to those intending a removal to the Spanish province. For myself,
having lately received a Medical Diploma from the Ohio College,
I expect to get my bread by that profession which I expect can be
done as easily in this country, hard as they [times] are, as in the
new and thinly populated province of Texas. The enquiries of my
friends are directed principally to the price and qua[l]ity of land,
the price of produce and live stock, the price of mechanics wages
and the climate with regard to health. I have a brother who is a
Millwright who with five or six farmers will remove somewhere to
that country in the fall if future accounts confirm their present
J. Sargeant
[Addressed:] Stephen Austin Esq Province of Texas Near the
Mouth of the Colerado via New Orleans