Hazel Run January 15th 1822
Dear Brother
I have not heard from you since you left White River. I have
no doubt that a letter may be at the Office for me. I presume ere
this you are nearly at the place of destination and I hope you have
enjoyed good health and all the party and I am flattering myself
with the antisipation of favourable News from you shortly after
your arrival at the Colorado, and I have no doubt that the
emigrants are arriveing daily as it appears to be the General rage in
every quarter to Move to Texas, and I have so favourable an
oppertunity to write you, that I have concluded to fill the sheet if I say
but little The bearer Mr Bobert. C. Bruffy and his Brother Majr
Hawkins and Doctr Hart are the party and a great number will
Move the insueing Autumn from the Mines and from this State
Generally may God Grant all favourable relative to the Colony,
and if nothing unfavourable occurs relative to the government it
will fill up imediately and will make a Market for Provissions, and
Merchandise. I trust you will arrive Safe, and that you can make
an advantageous Barter for Stock, and I will expect Stephen and
you to display Judgement in makeing a Selection of Land for me,
and I wish you to Hire two young men for me to make an
Improvement and raise Some Corn and if you can procure Stock for
me they can take care of it; perhaps Bartholomew and Powell will
engage, I will bring on Some Provissions; and all I can of other
articles perhaps I will send on Provissions this next Spring I will
expect advices on this Subject from Stephen and you by every
Opportunity I have no doubt Provisions will be very low in the Spring
at New Orleans, nothing has happened of importance Since you left
us. We have a New County Called St Francis, and consequently
officers wanting and great anxiety etc.— The Legislature has made
a Property Law Property must sell for two thirds its value, or
the Creditor must wait two years and Six Months— No doubt before
you receive this you will See two Brothers of the Name of Howells
from Near St Charles I wrote by them to Brother Stephen and I
presume you will find them to be worthy men a few days Since Mr
Eaglebarger recd a letter from Cheak who Stated he was engaged
Surveying for Stephen and he Speaks Very Highly of the Country.
McCormack and McClain and a number more talks of moveing some
in the Spring others in the fall—please give me a full detale of every
important particular relative to the Country, Prospects etc.— You
will no doubt have many oppertunities to write I will Send by Mr
Bruffy the Certificate of your birth and Baptism— I have not as
yet recd any letters for you— If I do I will send them on, tell
Bartholomew and Powell I will expect to receive letters from
them and will answer them, I am in hopes Mr Henry Elliott will
have it in his Power to raise Some Cash there for me and Settle
it with me here Mothers health is much better than when you
left us, and the Family in good health and all relatives— God
Bless you Our prayers is for your health and Prosperity
J. Bryan.
[Addressed:] Mr J. E. B. Austin Mouth of the Colorado Provence
of Texas Attention Mr. Bruffy