St Antonio 16th April 1822
Dear Sir
I left home and arrived at this place yesterday I left Home the
22nd January and have had a Tedious Journey as you will see by the
date I was mortified to hear of your vessell not having arrived on
the Brassos I saw Messrs Foster and Burnet who stated that your
articles were Landed at the mouth of that River Foster was then on
his way to the place of Landing and stated that he would Remain
by the goods Report says that yours and two other vessels had fitted
out for the same coast that is yours a second time I felt considerably
Shagrined when I heard that you had gone to Mexico but it was no
doubt Necessary—I am pleased with the country on Brassos Colorado
and Guadalupe but particularly the Former I am sorry I cannot
see you as I can do nothing the Governor Refers me to you and
I am in doubt how to act more especially as the Government is not
compleately Organized consequently I know not what the
constitution will be or whether the settlement will be circumscribed to a
particular number or not nor what the Result of those other Restric-
tions will be all of which seams to defeat my expectations could
I do anything profitable I would stay untill I knew the Result but I
fear I shall be forced to Return home and there it may end as Relates
to myself and I fear it may prevent others as numbers of Respectable
citizens from Washington would have moved to the country had or
could I give them encouragement should I not stay I wish to hear
from you particularly on the subject on your Return your Relatives
were well as were my own family when I left Missouri I recd both your
letters of Novr 15th from Orleans with the Receipts and money by
Mr Honey which was a Timely Relief—I am without money and
your Brother has let me have his watch to Take me home the price
we will settle when we meat if ever—Colletts exn [execution] amts
to 229$ and whatever cost and interest may be on it hereafter -I have
paid Guyard 290 dollars including the money you sent me 200$ which
is the whole amount I showed your Brother the papers he can Give
you all the information you may want on the subject as soon as you
can please give me Relief
Yours affectionately
R C Bruffy
[Addressed:] Stephen. F. Austin Esqr care of Mr J. E. B. Austin