Joseph H. Hawkins to Stephen F. Austin, 05-31-1822 Joseph H. Hawkins Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-14-2011 Stephen F. Austin Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 520-521 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 05-31-1822 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Relations with Erwin's company. Must keep on good terms with all. Expenses. Debts.

May 31. 1822

My Dear Sir,

I have wrote you so repeatedly and so fully that I have some difficulty in determining what subject now to undertake.

You will have visited Mexico at a most eventful and Auspicious moment—

Have things resulted as you desired? Do they now stand on a sane and permanent basis?

I send you a letter inclosed directed to myself—It is from Rielly at Mexico-—open and read it.

He could not comprehend why I recommended Ervine [Erwin] and his views—I wrote you fully on this subject—I took a share in E's Compy. It was necessary to do so—They would have left here otherwise with feelings of hostility—

I have a written stipulation that my membership and agency was recd with a knowledge of my interest in your grant, and that nothing was desired or expected not promotive of your interests. The fact is that their success is yours—As to the respective value of the grants, that will depend on local advantages—To make Carrol and others friends who were to be our neighbors was no small affair— Having mentioned Carrolls names it is necessary to remind you He has been and will continue our friend—and wishes to be our neighbour—You will provide for him accordingly—

I told Genl. R ... on yesterday that Genl. Trespalacios had no ground or cause of Complaint agt you or your friends, and that I blamed him R, with the bad feelings (if any now existed) which might be displayed—

I hope most sincerely you had an opportunity of meeting Genl. Trespalacios in Mexico. I need make no comments on the facts disclosed by the letter from Mexico

There will be men around Gl. T—who would gladly injure you— You need no admonition from me on this subject—Your good sense and firmness will point out the Course

I have received very many letters to you—all of which I have opened and read Some you [I] have sent by the Only Son The rest I retain and shall answer for you in the most laconic manner to be civil—The business is becoming too weighty to be prolix.

It may not be amiss to repeat—our disbursements now exceed $7,000—including the provisions shipped, and my interest in the Only Son I was compelled to sell one half—the vessel, and may be forced to sell the other.

This is of no moment should success attend your efforts—It would afford me sincere gratification to say when and where we could meet— I would even go to you—could I be assured that all was well.

The glimmerings of hope sometimes break in upon me, and the visions are almost golden—I do [not] mean the sordid acquisition of wealth—but release from debt in other words freedom—To die a slave would be insupportable—To leave as the only legacy to my children hungry creditors would be to have lived in vain and die miserable

I have pursuaded Mrs Hawkins to look to and rely on you as the firmest pillar in our building—She speaks of you in kindness but sometimes says she expects to upbraid you with having taken her Husband from the only sure path for him—his trade- I am much pressed for time and the Capt of the vessel has called.

J H Hawkins

Judge S F Austin

This will be delivered you by Mr Beardslee the Brother of the Editor of the advitiser

He is an amiable Young Man—in delicate health—I have induced him to go to the Province for the summer— He will live with my Brother or yourself—Your attention to him will oblige me—He will be without means—Occupation will be desirable