London 10 Decr 1822
Dear Judge
A whole shower of my epistles will some day or other rain down
on you since I have written to you from Charleston and hence
repeatedly—My capture by the Pirates has played the Devil with us
for a time but send me regularly and fully authenticated Documents
to prove our right to dispose of the land or rather to prove the grant
from the Govt and I can sell a large portion to immense advantage
indeed had I them now ere a fortnight our fortunes would be made—
The plan I propose is selling as large a quantity as I can for a good
price and with the whole or a part of the proceeds working the
remainder sending you out immediately whatever you require of course
all contained in the lists—I could I doubt not procure cash even
here (although the person on whom I depended has quitted business
altogether) but although we shall necessarily lose some time waiting
for Documents the sale of a part offers so many advantages in every
point of view that I am inclined to wait and so would you be I am
convinced if I could state the numerous reasons I have the principal
one of course the bargain made under existing circumstances would
be comparatively beyond measure unfavorable.—With regard to
Mining I have made (enabled by Merchants) proposals to the Govt
[of Mexico] of furnishing them with funds to a far greater extent
than they could possibly have anticipated and my proposals and
terms will I doubt not be accepted when that business will be carried
on on an immense scale the whole I will fully explain to you as
soon as the Govt gives its definitive answer which I expect in about
three months since I have written by duplicate—Unluckily a d—d
Charlatan has of late been selling Land on the Coast of Guatemala
obtained on a grant which will never be confirmed by those who
really possess the right of giving away the territory in question—
The Bubble has burst and people now require Documents in order
to ascertain the legitimacy of the cessions—What is become of Barry
I know not Mr. OB—[?] I saw in the street a few days since the
loan has not been brought into the market wherefore has I suspect
wholly failed indeed I am told the intelligence I conveyed to you
relative to Mr. B is perfectly correct the house he drew on Thomas
Westenforrest [?] & Co—Merchants cannot find any where and
have since the affair got into the Spanish Papers of late often
inquired of me about the transaction of which I of course avowed my
ignorance as also of the Gent in question except from common
report—Let me hear from you most fully and send Papers fully
authenticated and descriptions of the land to be sold together with a
Map of the province (The pirates stole mine) plans etc etc and we
will do as well as you could wish—I am here over head and ears in
business the count Vds Mine I shall I believe be enabled to settle
as he wishes with a slight modification of his proposals believe me
ever your most faithful friend
A G Wavell
Mr Exter has removed to 106 Fenchurch street—London where
address me for the future
I am living in the city with a Merchant and amongst them in order
to do my business more quickly—I reached this place on the 15th of
last month only owing to the rascally Pirates
[Addressed] Stephen F. Austin to the care of J. H. Hawkins New
Orleans Via New York
Pr Amity