Robert Andrews to James E. B. Austin, 01-25-1823 Robert Andrews Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-14-2011 James E. B. Austin Saltillo, Coahuila Bexar, TX Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 574-575 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 01-25-1823 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Mexican political news. Commercial projects. Mexican character.

Saltillo Jany 25th /23

Dear James

I this minut recd. yours of the 5th Inst, and am happy to hear that you are not "sin consuelo".—I live at present on hope altogether, there being no call for a Physician; upon the aggregate of good and bad times, I bearly live decently. I should certainly have left this place before this, had it not been that I have continually expected the arrival of your Brother since the 20th of this month, according to his letter of the 1st Inst, saying that he would certainly leave Mexico on the 6th—I this morning recd another from him dtd, the 15th in which he says "I will leave here in company with the Capt. Genl. Bustamanta who calculates to start in 8 days for Saltillo, but if he should not go I will set out in that time "—The collonization Law passed and was published on the 4 Inst, which no doubt you will see before you see this—he says in his letter that the Junta is now debating the articles of a constitution which is compleatly demonstrative of all the Ignorance Inability and Stupidity of the Nation, and will probabilly do more harm than good to the Emperial cause, that the House is much divided, that there has been much pithy speaking on the subject, and a prospect of many of the members holding an honorable pole for the Carcel, he also says " The Cannon and Bells this moment announce the acknowledgement of the independence of the Empire of Mexico by Peru and Chili"—I suppose you have heard by this time of the malcontents of Vira Cruz, it is said by some that they are depreciating, and by others that they increase every day, that the influence of the two Genls. who left Mexico the other day for the other party, is so great, among the troops that it will have a great affect, it is also whispered that the Emperial Troops attacked Vira Cruz, and were defeated with considerable losses—the act instituting paper money on so very weak a plan is much dispised by the people big fools as they are, this will also have its weight, and the Constitution coming out together with the natural inclination of the major part of the people, I think in a fiew months will close the scene—I live on hope with closed lips, which is one of the requisites of this free nation, the other day our Genl, made known in town that he had it in his power to put to death in 3 days, any person who spoke against the present Govt, or religion—I am happy to hear of the health of my relations, and am sorry to say that I expect it will be out of my power to see them in a short time if ever, for I design going to Altamira in the course of the winter to imbark for my health which is still threatened by the complaint in my breast—the trip I had intended to the U. S. with Mules is altogether uncertain and what I do or wether I go is also uncertain, I think I love chastity too well to mary in this country, yet I know not what effect a pritty girl with 2 or 300,000 in my power might have, but there are none of this clase in Saltillo—My best Respects to all countrymen and friends—hoping to see you and them once more I tender you my most sincere wishes, I remain

Your Friend

[Robert Andrews.]

If the Alleys should return to Bexar be so good as to give them this letter.

[Addressed:] A Snr Dn Santiago Austin Bexar Texas.