Dr Sir,
As I expected to return again on Sunday last I did not leave as
full directions relative to the labors on the East side of the [torn]
[as I should have] done, in fact I was very unwell when I [left
and was] only able to set up a few minutes at a time.
I wrote you that I wished the labors on the east side laid of[f]
500 Bars wide and 2000 long, I wish them only laid of[f] in that
way ten labors above and ten labors below town, after that lay them
off in squares—also lay off a public road opposite the town out to
the Prairie 35 bars wide—Also lay off a public road of ten bars wide
between every other labor from the River out to the Prairie thus.
[Austin here inserted a sketch map] also leave a road of 20 bars
wide on the bank of the River
November 10, 1823
Stephen F. Austin [Rubric]
To Capt Dickson Surveyor
My brother will take to Dickson immediately