Natchez—February 1—1824
Col. Steven Austin, Dr. sir—since my return to the U. States from
the Province of Texas—I have been kept busy in endeavoring to
counteract the unfavorable impressions made here as to the soil
and climate of Texas—and the character and prospects of your
settlement there.—Some disappointed travellers joined with the large
land holders here have used every means in their power to check
embarrass and discourage emigration—The character of the
country—is however rising here—and the tide of emigration is taking
a favorable turn.—I am very glad to learn that you have taken a
position on the Brazos—at the Atascosito crossing—In a
geographical view this is a central point—and must be the centre of
population—It is safe from invasion by sea—It is also remote from the
range of all the large tribes of Indians—and it is the very place
where a dense settlement should be formed—to be extended above
and below within supporting distance of one another—as settlers
come in—as you know it is about 100 miles from La Bahia—and
moreover it is not more than sixty miles from a navigable point on
the Santo Hacinto—which emptying into the Bay of Galveston
forms the best harbor on the coast—Besides the navigation—of
the Brassos is at all times practicable—with small Boats and
although I found 10 feet water over the Bar at the mouth—the
entrance is deemed unsafe particularly in a rough sea—Yet is but
16 miles from the mouth of the Brazos—to the west end of
Galvezton—where vessels have a safe anchorage with 30 feet water—
since my return I have sent out two boats of 30 ton each loaded
with flour and fat meat with some whiskey sugar and coffee
consigned to Capt. John McFarlane—by bad management of the Pilot
as I am inclined to think they were both lost—I intend however
seeing you in person this spring or next fall—I have made
arrangements with the Coshatees Alabamas and all the Indians on this
side the Brassos for their cooperation in any expedition I choose to
undertake they are well armed—and ask nothing but to be
furnished with powder and lead—which I can easily send to them from
Alexandria I shall not bring less than 150 Americans well armed—
with six months provisions—and if the safety and security of the
settlement requires it—I will sweep every Tawokkowni—Tankowa
and Karrankowa—Indian from the face of the earth—There is at
present a strong prospect of a war—in which France and Spain will
combine to subjugate Mexico—in which case Great Britain and the
U. States will unite in support of the independence of the Mexican
Republic—Texas however cannot be involved in the struggles—or
made the scene of military operations—
J. Child