(A Copy)
Sir The Political Chief of the province of Texas has informed
me by his official letter dated the 11th of the month that the Sovereign
Congress of the Mexican Nation have decreed on the 29th of
September last that all merchandise of what ever nation or Country
introduced into this Province shall be free of all duties for seven
He has informed me that the government of this Province have
seen with the greatest satisfaction that the inhabitants of this
Colony have manifesed so liberal a disposition in aiding so far as
their situation permitted to defray the expences of the Deputy in
Congress and he has particularly directed me to Return the thanks
of the govt to those whose names are signed to the corn
subscription and to assure them that neither their names nor their generosity
will be forgotten.
He has also directed that you cause copies of the enclosed to be
posted up in order that none may ever have an excuse or a pretext
not to obey the authorities of this Colony and furthermore he has
ordered me to notice and punish all persons who in future attempt
to create confution and disorder in the Colony by propagating false
and Malicious Slanders and idle stories relative to the authorities
of this province or of this Colony.
All which you will communicate to the inhabitants of your
district in the most expeditious and public manner—
San Felipe de Austin
Feby 26th—1824—4-3
Stephen F. Austin
Political Chief
N. B. The Deputy in Congress informs me by letter dated in
Mexico the 14th of January that Congress have decided in favour
of a Federal Republic by a vote of 20 to 13—I have recd a copy of
the proposed Constitution it is copied from that of the United
S. F. A.
To James Cummins Alcalde of the Colorado 2d March 1824