Fort Settlement 26th Feb 1824
I certify that early in the month of July 1822 my Brother and
myself found Mrs Jane Long low down on the river St Hyacinth
in a Palmeter camp exposd to the rains and sun and nothing to
support herself and family on except a small quantity of milk which
she got of a family that livd near We took pity on her and proposd
to build her a cabin near where we were and that we would hunt
and support her in the best manner we could until her relations
would send for her; to which proposition she agreed we hired
hands and movd her and furnishd her with corn meal, pork and
salt and at all times found her in plenty of venison until late in
August when she proposd going to St Antonia saying that the
Govournor had given her encouragement to go on there and he
would do every thing in his power for her she proposd that we
should go with her She promisd to satisfy us to our full
satisfaction when she arrivd in St Antonia we furnishd her horses to pack
her Bagage and for part of her family to ride And meal and meat
for the Journey we walk'd ourselves for to accomadate her and
family through the heat and dust and at some places twenty miles
without water with the calculation of being reasonably compensated
We arrivd at St Antonia after we had been there for or five days
we proposd to return she then informed us that it was utterly out
of her power to compensate us as she had promisd at the time she
had started that she had been there so short a time and had had
but little conversation with Govournor and dislikd asking him for any
thing to pay us With but that we should be amply satisfd in a short
time, she then let my brother have her rifle If we left the Province
the gun was to be left at Mr Banian's If we remaind he was to keep
the gun until she calld for it. She gave up the horse for us to use
until we were settled With at the same time requestd that we would
not part with him as she wanted him for her Daughter she was
to have Borne our expences she let us have five Dollars only to
bur Provision when we set out
James W. Jones—