Baxer June [about 15] 1824.
Mr Austin Sr Afew days sence I was inform that you had much troble
and difficulty with the Citizens of your Coloney conserning thare
Lands but I am so badley informed on the Subject that I am not
able to from [form] an opinion I was informed that Lt. Branom
stated to the Inhabitants of the Two Rivers that thay had not the
Eight to pay more than $30 Dollars for every League Square and
he went so fare as to Say that you ware deceving and swinling the
people and I have bin alarmed at your Situation nowing the men you
have to deal with, me and the Barron had a long Conversation on
the Subject I assure you I had some apprehenson that you would
have Much difficulty with those Gent. immediately after thay left
this place from a Grat maney observations which was maid before
thay left this plase for your plase, I believe Mr Peck and Price maid
maney observations to your disadvantage Mosqus and maney others
in this plase are your enemeys Sr the Barron is your friend to every
extent Sr I am not in a situation to doo by him as he done by me
Sr your friendship towards me is that of acquaintance a friend and
that of a farther and I consider you as one Sr it is not necessary for
me to express my sentiments of my Grat Intres and friendship that
I hold for you Sr in the futur you must judge me by my acts and
conduct towards you and for you to find the rail sentiments and
principles of my boosum I will drop this Subject and let it live in
the brest of the worthey Sr since Lt Branom started down I felt
desirous of Hering from you I have concluded he would play the devil
and I have thought that the fruits of your 3 Years hard labor
would be blasted by the envious and ambisious Sr I now the Grounds
on which you stand I Recd that information on my return to this
piase but that is with me as it is with you for you onley to Ree a
Beggers pension wich congress allowed you for 3 Years Hard, labor
and expences it is out of the qustion and befor I would be imposed
on by the ungratfull inhabitants of the Coloney I would at once Dam
the Hole I would not permit the Interisted and ambicious Blood
Suckers live from the benifits of my exertions and labor that you
have spent in the 3 last Years pass, Sr you must forgyive my daring
Diction to you but say to your Self, that it is from the Reflection of
Good feelings and for a man to look around on and vew mankinds
ingratitude for what doe we hesitate or hop[e] to pay those
carracters eavel for eavel and not comply with commanments as it is
not within our power to revenge our selves of envey and malice
I will say nothing more on this subject of this worlds
unfathfulness and ingratitude one to each other may every Mans probity
end according as his Inward principles stand within him Leaving
those principles to be judgd by the Supream Power who is wise
just and impaseal, the ammount I am informed that you are bound
to recd for every League Square it will not pay the amt it has
cost you not onley that the Grat troble and time you have spent
in regulating each mans Track of land Sr if I had the conducting
of the settlement I would Settle only 200 famileys instead of 300
if the settlers of the coloney would not comply with your terms. I
was informed the other day Lt Branom preposed settling one
spanard betwen every american The B. [Baron] is your friend but
complains of some little first plase he says he wrote you to lay off
one league of land for his friend Laboom and one for each of his
children and him self which he says you did not and some other
things which I am not able to find out and from what I am able to
learn from him he wishes that the inhabitants to support him
while in the legislature, If the peple of the Coloney doo not support
him I am of an opinion he will not be able to go Mosques and
many others in this plase are your open and dec[l]ared enemys
Padrey Garsey wishes to rais a tax or a contribution from the Settlers
I now not for what perpis he also stated as you were receiving a
high price for your lands he thought you could contribute to him?
this observation was maid from a suppose chat he had with Lt.
Branom on his return from your plase he would have bin asked
for an explination but for fere of some danger rising from an
Enquire it was delaid the Padry is your friend from what I am
able to assertain
There is no Political News in this plase the Barron would write
you but he [is] at present very much ocupied at presant he will
leve her[e] in 10 days for your plase, the Barron send his best
compliments to you
Sr you will be so good as not to for git my little busness I wish
you to reserve a league of land below Bells some piase and one for
me farther I want them as low down as possible
The non admishion of Slavery has distress me very much, The
B. preposes maney remadays and proposials to Congress for the
admishion of Slavry in this Province I cannot coincide with him
in opinion thay may possible be logical founded on the best, and
most mature reflection and experience, it will rest with you to
plan the present and future happiness and properiey [prosperity]
of the coloney (for the ingratitud of the inhabitance) which they
are about to pay you Sr you will forgive me for desiring you to
attend to my little busness with Pettus etc and my land
NB my hand is very unstadey to write as Yet