James Gaines to Stephen F. Austin, 06-18-1824 James Gaines Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-17-2011 Stephen F. Austin Sabine, TX Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 834-835 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 06-18-1824 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Explaining restlessness of settlers in east Texas. Bad characters on the Sabine.

Sabine June 18th 1824

Col. S. F. Austin

Dr [Sir] your Two favas has come to hand, and the report of your having finally Setled the business among your Setlers, numerous Reports are Circulated, that I Represented at St. Antonio against the Setlers here and that I here abused the people of the Colony nothing Can be more notoriously false

Certain It is on my Return home I found the people Confused and Exasperated on account of an answer to Quirks Representation by the Deputation sent in to Merimendez [Berrimendi] before I arived at St Antonia

as a number of people of this Country had imbibed Prejudices against the Principles on which your Colony was founded when I arived and asserted I had perused your Grant at St Antonio and had it fully Explained by yourself at the Brassos and Give It fully as my opinion that It was as Good as Could be made they then became Restless and accused me of being Concerned in Braking up this Settlement to fill your Colony

I am also Told by a Late arival from the Brasses that Roberson and Halls are Very active in Circulating Reports that I had spoken Very much against the people of the Colony no gentleman Can Say but I have at all time Since my Return Spoken on the highest Terms in favor of them, and as to what Vagabonds State I Dont feel myself bound to answer

I Presume all the ill nature at the Brasses has Grown out of my answers to Certain interegatories at the Brassos Respecting the Halls and Roberson as I had Lived in this Country since 1812 numbers of things has passed which when Calld on I Conceived my self bound to answer, in 1815 Jack Hall and Cashly and some others Started a Trading to the Tonquawas, It was Publickly stated here (as to the Certainty I know not) that they mete a party of Spaniards with a Cavilliad the Spaniards as these were americans felt themselves safe and agreed to Travel together the morning following they fell on the Spaniards Kild. them and Took the Cabillard, on their way home Hall and Cashly fell out about a Divide and Hall Shot him and Killd him Such is the fact the Spaniards nor Cashly was Ever heard of again as to the Certainty I cant say,

In 1822 Bill Hall it apears Stold Danial McLains horse at the nachez which it apears was afterwards Proven at Nacogdoches

Last year Jack and Bill Hall apeared in this Settlement at the house of Jim Miller the Greatest Rogue in the world and they stood accused of Joining a party to Rob Botts of his negroses I actually found Jack Hall among the party armd but what was his intentions I know not only from Report Probably Something was afterwards Sworn to before McNeel

Jas Gaines [Rubric]

P. S. My news papers is sent to Col Cole intended also for your perusal, I will Comply with the Request in your Letters and Send a Surveyor so Soon as one Can be found I have urged a Jesse Parker to go to your assistance who is a first Rate Black Smith I am fitting out Wm Irwin a Gun Smith, and as far as I can serve you Consistant with my duty and Limited abilities shall at all times be at your service
