There are, on the San Jacinto, some inhabitants who wish to be
admitted as a part of the 300 families which I have been authorized
by the Supreme Government to establish in this, the province of
Texas. If you allow me to extend this colonial Establishment, so as
to include both banks and the tributaries of the above mentioned
River, and also the Bay and Island of Galveston, I believe a great
advantage would be derived by the balance of this Establishment, as
well as the whole province; because the civil jurisdiction of this
Establishment would then embrace those points; and thus the
introduction of vagrants and fugitives could be prevented, and good order
preserved, particularly in the Island and Bay of Galveston, which
formerly were infested by pirates, and undoubtedly will be so again,
if steps are not taken to prevent it. In case this extension should
meet your approval, I request you to give notice to the inhabitants
of those localities, that the government has included the territories
situated on the San Jacinto, and its waters, and the Island of
Galveston in my colonial Establishment; and that those amongst them who
deserve to be admitted, may obtain land in the same manner as the
settlers of this Establishment, and may select one or two Alcaldes
who shall depend on this jurisdiction in like manner with the other
Alcaldes of this Establishment, agreeably to the terms of the
provisional regulations approved by you for this Establishment, the 24th
of May last.
God and Liberty.
Estevan F. Austin.
Town of San Felipe de Austin, August 26th 1824.