William Johnson to Stephen F. Austin, 09-02-1824 William Johnson Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-18-2011 Stephen F. Austin Woodville, MS Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 887-888 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 09-02-1824 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Introducing George Huff, expert mechanic. Immigration.

Woodville [Mississippi] Sept. 2nd 1824.


Mr George Huff, who is the bearer of this letter to you, is a BlackSmith by trade—and a mecanic of the first order—For the last eight years he has done, I may say, all my plantation work in the best order—He goes to Texas, at my solicitation, for the purpose of viewing the country, and I hope on his arrival there you will have judgment enough to induce him, if possible, to move his family out—And sir I take the liberty of saying to you that he is the best workman of his trade in the Western country—(I make this expression without exception) and that is not all, if Mr Huff, should be pleased with the country, which I hope he may, and should you hold out to him sufficient prospects to induce him, to move his family out—A Mr Joseph Servison of this place will go with him, and be his partnerMr Servison can do any thing in wood which relates to Machinery, either in or out of water—On the Inclined plane or otherwise—You may rely on me as a man or Honor, that between those two mechanicks, you could have any thing done, in the best order, either in Iron or wood, which could be done in the Western country—In a word Sir, I have been at some trouble to induce Mr Huff, to visit your country, and should he be pleased with it, and move his family, which I hope he will do, Mr Servison will go also, and then you will be better off for mecanicks than we will be—Because they are the only Tradesmen of their profession, which we have ever had in this part of the country worth naming—

And should you hold out sufficient inducements to Mr Huff to move his family to that country, I think that I am authorized to say to you that him and Mr Servison will be partners and be able to command funds here, to Erect Cotton-GinsWater-Mills—and Machinery on the principle of the inclined plane and otherwise—

For several years, I have been devoted to your country; but having a young family; and being well situated here, I have thought that it would be simple in me to move; but ultimately, I have determined to do so—Provided you will authorize me to bring out with me from Ten to Twenty families, by way of forming a good female- society at once, the only principle on which I can consent to move my family at this time—The families who will go with me will be both wealthy and respectable—Many of them my own relations and connections.—Artizans and Mecanicks of the first order, will also go with me—And should the Indians be troublesome, I should like nothing better than to command against them and settle the question with them at once—I served with Genl Jackson many months in that service, at his head quarters.—And if I know any thing it [is] Indian-Warfare—Col. Child is absent on the Eastern Circuit and of course can not send his respects to you; but I am authorized to present [them] to you, which I hope you will except—

I wish you to write me my Mr Huff on the subject of your Grant from the Mexican-Government, etc, its extent and your powers, etc, —In a word a copy with your remarks to me, would enable me to facilitate the businiss here—I wish you distinctly to understand, as we have no personal acquaintance, that any thing, which I have said to you is to be relied on.

Wm Johnson

Honorable Stephen F. Austin.