Hazel Run Sept. 6th 1821
My dear Brother/
I improve the present opportunity of writing you by Mr Hale,
lest my letters to you previous to this Should miscarry as I wrote
by mail, directed to the care of Cable in Natchitoches.
I presume ere this you have heard of our irreparable loss in the
death of dearly beloved Mother, and also of Aunt Austin. So many
unhappy changes, have taken place in Missouri since I left it that
I long to be with you once more in Texas.
Another change tho not of so unpleasant a nature is Shortly to
transpire in our family, which is, the marriage of our Sister Emily,
with Mr James F. Perry of Mine A Burton!! I confess that I was
as much Surprized as you will be, when she informed me of it, a few
days ago:—Emily asked my advice on the Subject:—my reply to
her was, that She knew whether her marriage with Mr P. would be
conducive to her happiness or not if She considered it would, I
acquiesed with cheerfulness and made no doubt you would do the
Same— I only regret that it will be impossible for us to collect the
remains of our unfortunate family together for some years; if ever.
As to Mr. P you are acquainted with him and best know w[h]ether
her choice is a judicious one or not, his Standing is high and morals
I intend to leave here some time next month So as to be in Ns.
[Natchitoches] by the 1st of Novr. I should like to hear from you
before I start but the dread of spending a winter in this "cursed
land" determines me to leave it, my expences will be light returning,
as I Shall be alone, I have nearly all the money by me still; and
will not spend one cent more than I possibly can help untill I hear
from you which I hope to on my arrival at Natchs. I shall take on
with me a great many articles that we shall want and may have
enough to load the waggon light—any thing you may want write me
to Natchitoches, you had better send a list and such things as I have
not I can procure there—or if you think I can lay out the money to
any advantage let me know. If I receive no instructions from you
when I arrive at N. I shall take the money with me— Saml. Perry
has returned from Philadelphia with an extensive assortment of
goods, his business is so situated in this country at present that it
is impossible for him to leave it. So there is no hopes of his moving
to Texas, at present. Rob. Bruffe[y] is anxious to remove but his
affairs are so arranged that he cant leave this country either— and
Jas. Bruffe[y] is in the Same Situation. So you need not calculate
on them. I wrote to Ashley immidiately on my arrival in this
country but have received no answer as yet— I am induced to believe
he intends to act Shabbily in this Business I should have proceeded
to the Lttle Rock but Emily opposed it and wished nothing done
in the business untill you came up yourself. All the papers of
Fathers I shall lock up [and] leave with Emily— Durham Hall can
be recovered—when our purses are long enough to Stand a 7 years law
Suit. Price the present owner is making his fortune—
Your friends are all well at the Mines and enquire particularly
after you— John S Bricky Stephenson, and Cole were elected to
the General Assembly—Fred—Bates Govr and Reeves Lt. Govr —
Maj. Andrew Henry returned a few days ago from the Stony
Mountains— he has suffered much and met with many misfortunes—
A Deputation from Santa Fe arrived a few weeks ago at the
council Bluffs—the object of their visit was to acertain the most eligable
Situation for a road to be cut from Santa Fe—to that place—and
also to enter into some arrangement to Secure traders (to and from
the Province of New Mexico)—from attacks of the indians—and to
appoint agents for the purpose of facilitating an intercourse and
commerce to the United States— Beards Father attended the
deputation as interpreter tell Beard his father is in good health— Elias
Bates and family are well he is doing an imense business at
Emily is well desires her love to you her little girl is a smart
little creature
Give my respects to all my Friends in Texas— I long to be with
you and them— take good care of my Poney and my poor Cano [his
pointer dog]
Jas E. B. Austin
P. S. Mr. Andrews and the Alleys arrived Safe— the Alleys will
hardly return before Spring— I could say much more but I refer
you to Mr Hale— Not one word from Varner as yet
(Note by Emily at bottom)
Time will not admit of my writing My Dear Stephen a lengthy
letter I shall incert a few lines in Brother Browns, to assure you
that you are still remember'd with the greatest affection by your
Sister altho I am fearfull you will accuse me of ingratitude, for not
going on with Brother and shareing with you and him the hardships
of settling a New Country; I have not giving up (nor never will)
the idea of moving to Texas: I flatter myself that when you visit
Missouri that you will prevail on Mr Perry to join you in Texas
I can assure you that I shall make use of every means to perswaid
him to go on; by Brown I will write you a long letter; you must
not forget my Children but consider them as yours, for as soon as
William and Austin are old enough to be of any service to you I
wish you to have them I will most cheerfully give them up to one
that I know will be their best friend and protector— Adieu and
think of me some times and always as your affectionate Sister
E. M. B—
[Addressed:] Col Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin Rio
Brazos Texas—E. M. pr Mr Hale