Columbia Septem 11th 1824
Dear Sir
Your esteemed favour of may last Come to hand in short time
in which you spoke of . . . [illegible] Caruthers having been with
you I have not as yet seen him—
I am truly glad to hear of your flattering prosspects as to a
healthy situation goods seasons the productiveness of the soil and
Improvement in government which when all Combined cannot fail
to realize your hopes if so all must be well with you and the Early
adventurers with you to that garden spot of America
I presume Mr. Caruthers gave you the news of Tennessee etc
Politics and otherwise in which I have taken some part and may
again Engage—
you are good Enough to Express your satisfaction at what I had
done in Executing your commission with the fair one spoken of in
Mexico to wit Miss Williams of this country. She has seen your
letter I this morning, parted with her at her fathers home in
possession of your letter to me and she indulges a hope of
seeing you next spring, you will not Regret your vissit to her and
your Humble Servant I tharfore claim your promis.
I ardently hope your Mother and Sister arived Safe at your
abode as anticipated in your letter. I had allmost Started my Son
17 years of age to See you last fall with a hope you might be able
to give him Employment as a Surveyor and learn him or have him
taught the Spanish Language and the ways of the cuntry—
Your vissit here would be of great importance to yourself as I
My old Friend Leftwich has never Returned I heard from him
in may last Still in Mexico—-I presume you have become acquainted
with J E. Groce of Brassos. Who is an Interprising man and I hope
may do well in your Cuntry his Excentricities and Exalted
notions of himself is his worst foibles, he is as you know if acquainted
a warm friend or bitter Enemy Just as his Immidiate Interest is
Effected, he lately wrote me a long letter and his clerk certifyed
the correctness of it founded in misstaken notions, both of me and
himself intended to injure me and cannot in any way bennifit
himself and can in no-way be accounted for on the score of reason or
Propriety all of which you perhaps know or may See if acquainted
if you are not, it is not my wish to injure him in any manner nor
shape whatever and were I near him he would not asail me
Andrew Erwin
[Addressed:] The Honble. Stephen F Austin Nachitochez
Arkansas Territory