Stephen F Austin D[r].
Balance on Hat $5.00_______________________________________________ $5. 00
to 2 pts Coffee Sent By James Baird________________________________ 1. 50
to 3 lbs of Coffee by S____________________________________________ 3. 00
to 4 Chairs________________________________________________________ 10. 00
to Verbal Order By Barnet for Tobacco______________________________ 1. 00
to [?] McCormac_______________________________ . 50
to 1 lb tobacco by Barnet__________________________________________ . 50
21. 50
to 1 Cabbin____________________________________________________ 10. 00
31. 50
Cr. by Order Ronald Jones__________________________________________ 14. 00
Or By A. Fowler____________________________________________________ 2. 00
16. 00
15. 50
J. B. Baley Dr
to 1 pair Cotton Cards_____________________________________ 3. 00
to 3 Combs at $.1.00_______________________________________________ 3. 00
to 1 lb Coffee_____________________________________________________ 1. 00
to 1 Quire paper___________________________________________________ 1. 00
8. 00
Cr. By Cash_____________________________________________________ 3. 00
Cr. by 2 qts of Honey______________________________________________ 5. 00
[Endorsed:] A Mitchell a/c settled Oct 10 1824