R. Kuykendalls order_______________________________________ 30. 00
J. F. Tong__________________________________________________ 9. 50
J. Stuart____________do_____________________________________ 2. 50
W. Selkerk___________do_____________________________________ 200. 00
R. Ally______________do_____________________________________ 12. 00
254. 00
Leather pr. McCormick_______________________________________ $7. 00
2 lbs. Coffee_______________________________________________ 2. 00
$263. 00
Lead for the Baron__________________________________________ 3. 00
$266. 00
Recd. of Seth Ingram the above orders amounting to two hundred
and Sixty six Dollars which is to be accounted for to said Ingram as
trade which is passed to his Credit on my book.—Oct. 11, 1824
[Stephen F. Austin]