I hereby agree to receive Sexton and Morgan as settlers in the
colony formed by me in this Province under the authority which I
have recd from the Mexican Government and to give them titles as
settlers for two Leagues of Land on the Bernard Creek or its waters
and also one labor adjoining to William Morton above on the west
side of the Brazos river— On condition however that Charles
Morgan builds a Cotton Gin on the tract of land called the fort tract
on the west side of the Brazos in this Colony and puts the same in
complete operation within one year from the first of January next,
and also on condition that Samuel Sexton actually removes his family
to this Colony and establishes himself as a settler within eighteen
Months from this date, unless either of them are prevented from so
doing by shipwreck sickness or some such unavoidable disaster—
The cost of said land is one hundred and Sixty five Dollars for
each League payable in Cash exclusive of the surveying and Stamped
paper— The deeds for said land will be Made out as soon as the
land is surveyed
San Felipe de Austin Octbr. 26, 1924
Stephen F Austin [Rubric]
Samuel M Williams [Rubric]
The Cost including Surveying fees on one of the Leagues
mentioned in the within have been paid by an old debt due by James
Bryan to Sexton Morgan which I agreed to settle in this way
October 26, 1824
Stephen F. Austin