State of Louisiana
Parish of Natchitoches Novm 9th 1824
Col. Austin
Sir After my respects to you I have to inform you, I am happy
to inform you that I am well, but I have had some sickness and
misfortune in my family, I made all preperations for moving as soon
as I got home, but my wife was taken sick and remained in a very
low state a Long time and has not got over it yet, her sickness has
prevented my being able to move her this winter I have sent out
my stock and two of my sons in order to make a Crop, I will be on
my self as soon as the cituation of my wife and the Season will admit
of, Mr Lynch informs me that there is three Dollars and fifty Cents
required to be paid down in Cash for Sta[m]ped paper, on
receiving the title, I have sent on the money for my own Deed and his, you
will if you think propper let my son or Mr Lynch have my deed, I
sepose you have made out my deed
[Endorsed:] Martin Allin Louisiana 9th Nov 1824