James Tumlinson to Stephen F. Austin, 11-17-1824 James Tumlinson Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-18-2011 Stephen F. Austin Colorado, TX Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 970 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 11-17-1824 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file


Upper District Colorado

November 17th 1824

Col. Stephen F. Austin

Sir It is my wish to have you to make an entry of the Ninth League of land, on this River above Kinslow's [Kincheioe's] for me if no other person hase not entered it and wish you to send me an answer by the bearer Mr. Moore and by so doing much oblige

James Tumlinson [Rubric]