Stephen F. Austin to John McIntire, 12-22-1824 Stephen F. Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-18-2011 John McIntire Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 1003 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 12-22-1824 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Statement of account in payment for a trip to Natchitoches.

This day settled with John McIntire for his trip to Nachitoches and agreeably to the account rendered by said McIntire it stands thus—

Wages from 16th of October to 19 Dec is 2 months and 3 days @ 30 Dolls per Month________________________________________________ $63. 00 paid McIntire Cash before he started______________________ 7. 00 used by him for Tobacco____________________ 1. 12 1/2 " " Socks___________________________ 1. 00 " " nails__________________________ . 50 " " Shoes___________________________ 1. 50 ___________ 4. 12 1/2 1 Gallon Whiskey___________________________________________ 3. 00 _________ 14. 12 1/2 14. 12 1/2 __________ 48. 87 1/2 paid McGuffin_______________________________________________________ 8. __________ 40. 87 1/2

Should there be no error in the above statement I am indebted forty Dollars and Eighty seven and a half cents to John McIntire for his wages on said trip with the wagon to Nachitoches to be settled in land as a property payment—

Decr 22d 1824 S. F. Austin

Also paid on the above one pan price to be ascertained when McGuffin comes