Stephen F. Austin Judge Commissioned for the Colony of the
Brazos and Colorado in the Province of Texas—Charged by the
Superior Authorities with the Municipal Government of this Colony
provisionally and [until] it is otherwise regulated, and it appearing
to be the wish of the settlers in that part of the Colony heretofore
called the District of the Brazos—that the name of said district
should be changed to that of Bravo after the distinguished hero and
Republican Patriot, Genl Nicolas Bravo the Vice President of these
United States, Therefor I have thought proper to order and by
these presents do order that the said District heretofore called
Brazos shall in future be called the District of Bravo, and shall
keep the said name of Bravo until the superior Govt, direct
Given etc January 1- 1825
Stephen F Austin Judge Commissioned for the Colony on the
Brazos and Colorado rivers in the Province of Texas—
I certify that at an election held at the house of Andrew Robinson by the inhabitants of the district of Bravo on the 1 day of
January of this year for an alcalde for said District for the year one
thousand Eight hundred and twenty five John P. Coles was duly
elected Alcalde of said district and that he may be respected and
obeyed accordingly I give him this document
San Felipe de Austin, January 5,1825
This day personally appeared before me Stephen F. Austin
Judge commissioned for the Colony on the Colorado and Brasos
the above John P. Coles Alcalde elected for the district of Bravo
for the year 1825 and took the oath to support the Constitution of
the United States of Mexico and of the State of Coahuila and
Texas and faithfully and impartially to execute the duties of
Alcalde for said district of Bravo for the year one thousand eight
hundred twenty five