Woodville February 28th 1825
Dear Sir,
The inclosed letters to my friend Judge Child, were this moment
handed to me by Mr. Royall of Alabama, who is on his way to your
country—And as Mr. R. has no acquaintance in your country I take
the liberty of saying to you that from the respectability of the
writers of those letters as well as what I have seen of him, I have
no doubt but that you will find Mr. R. a Gentleman of worth and
charactor—Within a few days a report has reached us from Wash-
ington City stating that John Q. Adams is elected President—The
result is said to be 13 States for Adams—7 States for Genl- Jackson
and 4 States for Mr. Crawford—I think the report doubtful—Mr.
Huff is now on his way to Texas with his family and outfit etc and
I am greatly in hopes that he will arrive safe and fulfill your
expectations—There are a number of Gentlemen of fortune and
respectability who talk strongly of visiting your country this spring—
Wm. Johnson
Hon. Stephen F. Austin