Know all men by this article that I John K. Williams of the
province of Texas now residing in Austins Colony on the south
fork of clear Creek known by the name of Taylers Byou have sold
and Convayd unto John Sarver and John Dickinson of the said
province and colony a fore said my Labour and League of land
for the consideration of one hundred dollars paid in Trade and
Twelve good Seccond rate gentle Spanish horses well broke not
over Eight nor under four years old, the said Williams binds
himself heirs and so forth in the sum of two thousand dollars to
make the said Sarver and Dickinson a good deed to hold the said
land when paid for and also the said Sarver and Dickinson bind
themselves in the sum of one thousand Dollars to pay the said
Williams again the twenty fift day of May next if posable and
if not as soon [as] they posabley can the said William binds
himself to give said Sarver and Dickinson possession of the Sed
Labour . . . improvements if required when paid for we the said
Sarver and Dickinson agrees to pay all the government fees given
under our hands this Twelft day of April 1825