New Orleans 21. April 1825
Col Stephen F. Austin
Dear sir The Bearer of this Mr Kerr is from Missouri and
moving to your Country with all his family, both [White?] and
Black—he has been here some time waiting a passage— As we have
never Exactly understood the nature of your laws relative to Slavery
I could not answer many of Mr Kerrs inquiries on that head, but
have assured him slaves have been taken there and held— I hope
will find no difficulty with his, as it would ruin an helpless family
should he loose them. Mr Kerr has been only known to me a few
weeks but I am fully convinced he is a worthy man, and I hope he
will be found a Valuable Citizen of your infant Republic-
Genl. Lafayette has just left us. You will learn from Mr Kerr
with what enthusiast he was received among us—he has gone to
St Louis I have not heard from Mrs Hawkins very lately—
Nath: Cox