Samuel R. Ober to Stephen F. Austin, 05-16-1826 S. R. Ober Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 06-17-2010 Stephen F. Austin St. Louis, Missouri Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 1333-1334 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 05-16-1826 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Asking Austin to assume and pay a note of Moses Austin's.

S Louis May 16th 1826

Col. Stephen F. Austin

Dear Sir Previous to your deceased father's visit to the province of Texas—I advanced him some funds—which on his return to this State acknowledged—that is was partly through my befrending him in this instance, he was enabled to procure the greater part of his Grant—which has since been confirmed to you—on his return I made him still farther advances, and supplys for his family—the sum total of the advances I made him—amounts to Two hundred and sixty nine dollars and Ten cents for which sum, on his last visits to this place, he executed to me his note, at Eighteen months after date, say April 14th 1821—and made said note payable with interest, in the City of New Orleans—It was solely at his request that the Note was made payable at so distant a period—and after unfolding to me his reasons—which were, that having obtained the grant, he would if his life was sparred, be enabled by that time, to get many settlers on the tract—and without doubt, would be enabled to settle the same. He also made me handsome overtures to take a [part] of the grant with him—but my business at that time being so extensive, I could not otherways do, than to decline his proposition- Since that time, partly inconsequence of the change in the course of trade—and having a large amount creditted out—the greater part of which is Totally lost forever—and having to meet my own engagements—my situation became truly allarming to such a degree—(that without being compelled to take the benifit of the insolvent laws) I stripped myself of everything—and now am a[s] poor as a beggar— not in any kind of business—not a dollar to my name, and supporting myself, barely, by doing jobs of writing etc., for others—since my situation has been such—One freind has loaned me, whenever he had —and I am indebted to him—borrowed money, which he stands in great need off—

I have been induced from my own personal acquaintance with you, and from observations made by several of your freinds—to apply to you—to discharge the note—and I do feel the most confident assurance that after taken all the circumstances in view, I shall not be disappointed in my expectations—you are now the possessor of a grant, that was formally given to your Father—who stated to me previous to his death, that it was pretty much through my intrementality, that he obtained the grant—I am well apprized that in consequence of the different changes of Government which have taken place in the republic of New Mexico, since your father visit to that place, that you must have had, a tedious and irksome undertaking to have got the grant fully settled this your freinds have told me is the present case, and, say that you have obtained an additional one, adjoining—My dear Sir, you have my best wishes for you[r] success and prosperity—and had I been in possession of the means, I would have visited your colony before this—For Heavens sake let me hear from you as early after the receipt of this, as may be convenient—and I conclude, by trusting with the flattering hope that you will communicate to me the pleasing information that—This debt of your fathers will be discharged by his son—since whose death. I have taken no step towards its liquidation—

Expecting to have the pleasure of hearing from you—I am dear Sir. your poverty stricken, but your warm freind

S. E. Ober

Address Saml E. Ober. St. Louis, Missouri