Colorado May 28th 1826
Coln Austin
Since I arrived heare I have not had an opportunity of going over
to see you respecting the payment of my land and we consider our
force so week that many of us cant leave the fort at a time but as
soon as I can I will be over to see you,—I have made arrangements in
Allexandria for the payment of my note by Draught if you think
proper if not I will send on immediately after the money that is as
soon as times will permit but I had rather had an indulgence till
the ishue of the war as; if I cant go home this faull I wish to return
to the states
S. A. Anderson
N. B. I send you by Mr. George Duty a Bill for thirty Dollars
in land or trade please to give me a credit on my Note for what it
calls for in cash etc., etc
______ S. A. A.