Peach Creek Aug 16. 1826
Dear Sir
I understand that your office is again opin to receive applications
for land; and having never yet recd any land in the Colony, I wish to
embrace the first opportunity to secure my alloted portion—As you
have once made out my deed for half a league I hope you will yet con-
sider me entitled to that Quantity; particularly as I have been one of
the first settlers in this Colony, and have never been backward in
doing a soldier's duty.—The good land has been so generally taken
up that I hardly know where to make a choice.—Perhaps there may
be some forfeited land that you could recommend; if not, I have
thought to take it on a small stream which heads in the Bay prairie,
and runs, perhaps, into the bay of Matagorde—you will please to give
me a verbal reply by Mr. Rabb—
John Ingram
Col. S. F. Austin