James Kerr to Stephen F. Austin, 08-23-1826 James Kerr Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-08-2010 Stephen F. Austin San Antonio, Texas San Felipe de Austin, Texas Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 1435-1436 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 08-23-1826 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Excesses of Martin De Leon. Saucedo favors cordial relations with the Cherokees.

San Antonio 23. August 1826.

Dr sir,

I came here last thursday evening in Company with your Brother and others, your Brother, myself and others of the Company have been very unwell tho we are all on the mend. Capt. Bowen and Mr. Moor are also mending. There is considerable Sickness here amongst the soldiers and inhabitants.

Your Brother has written you relative to the suspension of Genl San Bernardo, and the appointment of your friend Bustemantas to the office of Comt- General, in his stead—He has also given you all the information that has been recd> here in relation to the Slaves and Slave Law.

I am happy to learn that you have recovered your health; and regret to hear that Mr. Williams has been so very sick—hope he has ere this recovered.

Delion has Commited some atrocious Outrages on some American travelers who were on the way here on business with the Govt- What the result will be I am not able to say. I shall lay the Memorial of Mr. Stout before the Chief to day relative to Delions ill treating and robing of him.

I find the Chief to be a man of easy access, and is very afible with me It appears that he (the chief) is Determined to Consider Delion, An Empresario Over an undefined District for 40 familes; and wishes the bounds between Dewitt and Delion to be agreed ou between themselves.

I have proposed to let Delion Go Eastward to the Grassite [Gar- citas], and up and Down the Guadalupe for quantity; giving to Dewitt all the Labacca; but he will not make an order to that effect, without the consent of Delion, or the consent of the Commissioner on the part of Delion, who is not yet appointed. It appears to me that Dewitt will have to appeal to the Govt to obtain his right; this however will I presume Depend on the advice you may give on the subject.

The Chief has promised to furnish the fee bill to me, to Day.

I am much indebted to your Brother for his polite attention, and assistance here,

I have mentioned to the Chief the propriety of inviting fields to partisipate in the War against the hostile Indians; he said that he had written to him to come here and to bring his title papers to land if he had any with a view to assertain the strength of his claim, and to make some arrangements with him in assisting to Defend the frontiers. He requested me to write fields on the subject by the first oppertunity and urge him to come on. The mail leaves here to morrow, and I somewhat expect I shall do so too; but I cannot say when I shall be able to get to San felipe.

You will perceive from reading this that my mind is too weak and, Ideas too scattering to write. A few nights ago I Dreamd, that the last object of my hopes was laid beneath the Sod on the Gloomy hill in the prairie near San felipe: This with other difficulties keeps me in Despair

My Respects to Mr & Mrs pettes also Mrs Williams and Wightman

James Kerr

[Addressed:] Al Tente Coronl. Estevan F. Austin. En Sn. Felipe de Austin