Station On Rio Labaca Sept 3rd 1826.
Dr Sir
This will inform you I have stationed myself for the present on
this creek a bout 6 miles above the head of tide water, where I intend
settling some 10 or 12 families in the form of a station in order that
we may be more secure from the Indians untill we can collect strength
enough to venture out on our lands.
I should have written you before this time, but have been so
undetermined in the place where I would actually settle for the present;
and so much occupied in moving out from the bay that I had not time
to write you, which neglect I hope you will pardon.
I have contracted for the runing of the Schooner Despatch, W. J.
Russell, master, for the term of 4 years—she has made her first trip;
and is a new vessel only 18 months old; burthen 50 Tons and well
Edged, I have also contracted for the building of a flat boat 30 by 12
feet, which is already begun; for which is for the purpose of unload-
ing and lighting the schooner so that she can pass in at the mouth of
the Labaca—the schooner will be at the landing a gain in about 3
weeks, with some Emigrants and [al]so some cargo for this country.
I have also contracted for the building of a ware house at or near the
mouth of the Labaca which will be immediately commenced for the
convenience of emigrants and others destined for either of these
colonies, that their property and families may have a place of shelter and
safety on landing in this vast wilderness.
Mr Kerr has just returned from San Antonio and will be able to
give you all the News of that place; touching my business with the
If you should write shortly to Baron De Bastrop I would wish to
be particularly remembered to him; inform him what I am doing etc
etc and that I will shortly write hiin lengthly,
When on my way to this country I called at landing of Mr Elias
Bates in order to ask for letters for you and your brother; but was
informed by Mr John Geizer that none of the family were at home
and that Mrs Bates and Mrs Honey were both dead.
I intend visiting you so soon as I can leave this place with safety,
when I shall have many things to say and much advice to ask of you,
as Empresarios have much trouble to en counter, but I the most of
all; your assistance to Mr Kerr has been deeply felt by him and
equally so by me. My compliments to Mr Williams
G. Dewitt [Rubric]
Col Stephen F Austin