Head quarters Sprowls plantation
7th Feby 1827.
Col Austin
Dr sir your favour of the 23rd Ult. together with the gover
nor's procklamation has been recd.
you will no dout before the reception of this have heard of the
patriotic manner in which the Inhabitants have rallied in defence
of their country, and dispersed the rebellious gang of Nacogdoches.
I refer you to Mr Kenney for further information. A quantity of
property found in possession of the enimy has fal[len] into our
possessin I have to request that some person duly authorized be
immediately sent on to take charge thereof, or dispose of it as the
government may direct, yesterday we detached fifty men for 7 day
service which will remain stationed at this place untill the
expiration of that time.
Permit me to suggest the propriety of continuing a sufficient
Military force at this place for some time lest a remisness on our part
might induce the disaffected to commit new outrages upon the
inhabitants of another class who have already suffered enough.
A great deale has been done by the faithful subject in this section
of country, but yet the work is far from being compleat
We shall employ every means in our power to sustain the
government, and restore tranquility.
Jno. A. Williams [Rubric]