J. Tate to Stephen F. Austin, 02-27-1827 J. Tate Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-19-2010 Stephen F. Austin Nacogdoches, Texas Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 1608-1609 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 02-27-1827 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Proposal to establish a sugar mill in return for land.

Naggaitotches Feby. 27th 1827.

Col. Stephen F. Austin,

Sir On the subject of a conversation I had with you at this place I beg leave to have liberty of submitting the following observations to your consideration and remarks thereon—

Having reported myself to you with a wish to become a settler but from various adverse occurrences in my business has as yet prevented My making a permanent settlement in your colony, although I have made a selection of Land partly in yours and in leftwicks but from an interruption in the settlement on the land by the indians I have changed my views which can only be realised by your approbation. To constitute the plan I would propose to select a League of land for Myself adjoining some of your reserve lands most properly adapted to the cultivation of sugar Cane that you would add a league of your land or more if thought necessary to effect the purpose; that complete Titles be made out to satisfy any person that it would be proper to make interrested in order to raise a fund sufficient to accomplish the establishment of sugar Manufactory upon a respectable scale, If funds in negro slaves and mony could be obtained by a sale of the land before named It would certainly be favorable, but if not to make some capitalists Interrested who would be willing to invest for that purpose, If neither of the foregoing plans would be easily obtained raise such a fund out of said land in either of the proposed ways as would effect the establishment out of the Labour of free people of Color, as would I believe be cheaper and much easier effected by holding out inducements to them after the term of their service would expire if it had been faithfully accomplished, such for instance as a labour [labor] or any other quantity Allowed by government to such men of good habits—A question may arise on the policy or legallity of introducing the last named class of servants this sir is entirely submitted to you as the Legitimate organ of the Government by whom I am to be officially informed on that subject and every other regulation necessary to be observed in the introduction whether by land or water whether certificates of character and generaly what would be the requisite formality to be observed by the inporter etc

Plan of the Project

Yourself two Leagues that May in the Eastern Market Either in goods or money be worth $1 pr. A___________________________________$9000 00

Myself One League—-"_________________________________________ 4500 00

13,500 00

For Slaves bought in U. S. or N. D. If money could be obtd- 20 Men and women delivered at Brasos each 400$____________________$8000.00

Leaving this sums to buy land and pay cont. Expences Care tools $60- 5500. 00

13, 500.00

To remove freemen and women It might Probably Cost to deliver 80 the sum of__________________________________8000. 00

Left to Apply to other Expence__________________________5500

13, 500.00

All wishes submitted with great respect

J. Tate