David G Burnet to Stephen F Austin, 07-18-1829 David G Burnet Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 08-29-2010 Stephen F Austin Cincinnati, Ohio Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 228-229 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 07-18-1829 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Political disturbances in Mexico interrupted his promotion of a company for colonizing Texas.

Cincinnati 18 July 1829

My dear Sir

I received your very welcome favor of 29 May but yesterday—it came by mail from Orleans and I have not heard a Syllable of the Doctor and his lovely BrideMajor Lewis has this moment left me and is on the wing for the Brasos I regret exceedingly that I have not more time to devote to my Texas friends by this very favorable opportunity— You mention having received one letter and some newspapers why I have written a dozen or thereabouts and sent as many packages of papers To League I have written oftener and Sent more papers and I have not yet received one line from him—- I hope the Sovereigns will be divil him worse then ever— he Is a Shabby fellow- Have you heard of the terrible Havanna Armada— are you prepared for it— I believe It is all Smoke or will end so— or perhaps is designed as a Scare-crow to obtain a favorable commercial treaty privileges etc on condition of recognition—

I am fully sensible of the necessity of being In my Colony and design to repair there as soon as practicable The late disturbance at Mexico gave me a verv serious back set from which it has been difficult to recover— I had a very respectable company in full progress of formation when the news of war and revolutions and insurrections dispersed them like a hawk pouncing upon a flock of pigeons . . . probably . . . [Torn] Short interval of repose has been granted to the powers of Mexico I pray that repose may be continued to an age of ages—

You paid Buckner 5$ more than you had any right to do—and I request League will refund you that much for I cannot allow my friends to pay for me, more than they owe to me and you have paid 5$ more than you owed—ergo, it must be returned.

I beg you will present to my estimable friend Brown, my warmest congratulations on his duplication and I sincerely hope the little fellow may inherit all the beauty of his mother the goodness of his father, the intelligence of his Uncle, and the immortality of the blessed—

I hope Williams'little daughter will not put my little friend Vic's nose out-of-joint, as the saying is— Remember me to Williams and his wife

Your letter has releived my mind of one very serious bother, for I have suffered more inquietude concerning my little debt to friend Buckner than it was worth— I am truly pleased to hear that the Empresario has got into vogue with the sovereigns and the more so because I Know how unpleasant it is to be subject even to the malicious and gratuitous censures of the stupid the vile and the unjust— and I hope, as he has acquired, so he will preserve his popularity with the mutation . . . [Torn off]

I expect most confidently to be in Nacogdoches early in the fallMilam and myself are endeavoring to form a company for colonization and mining purposes—and have a very fair prospect of Success—in getting the company—

I have not time to write to League without hazarding the loss of the present very favorable oppy— Be good enough to tell him—if he has any Surplus funds of mine, to transmit them by the first good oppy to my friend James Loccard Com. Mercht at New Orleans and to request Loccard to remit them to me at this place provided they reach him by the first of October— Remember me to all friends- May God bless you and give you prosperity here, and eternal felicity hereafter—

David G. Burnet [Rubric]

I have not heard from Fullerton, directly, in a long time—he is still at Chillicothe