You will perceive by the enclosed printed proclamation of his
Excellency the Governor and official letter of the Chief of Depart-
ment, that the inveterate enemy of our republic has landed on the
coast of Tamaulipas and that the Govr has ordered that the militia
of the State should be placed in the best possible State for active
operations. In cumplyance with this order I have directed the
Captains to muster their respective companies with the least possible
delay and inspect them and return to the first adjutant a full
statement of their force arms etc.
Mr. Bakus of the Schooner Augusta who came into Galveston a
few days since from Orleans, reports that he was boarded off the
Mississippi by the boats of a Spanish frigate that had been
dismasted;] in a storm off Tampico—this fact warns us that the
enemy are near us, and some storm, or other circumstance may throw
them onto our coast. Supposing that such a case is possible, I have
directed Caps Baily and Sims to be watchful, and I must request
that you should also be in readiness to repair to the coast at the
first alarm and should an enemy appear, take such measures as
circumstances may permit to prevent them from taking the stock of
cattle horses, hogs, etc., which would be an important supply for
them—and you will inform me by express of whatever may occur,
and of the force and appearance of any enemy who may be
discovered, and give me such or other information as you may deem
important to the public service and to the security of the people of
this jurisdiction.
God and Liberty
Town of Austin 18 Augt 1829
To Lieut Zeno Phillips.
Stephen F. Austin [Rubric]