Brazoria Jan. 6th, 1830.
My dear Sister :
In answer to your very kind letter, I scarcely know what to say.
You must long before this heard of the death of your dear Brother.
You my dear Sister can well imagine what my feelings are; looseing
all that was Dear to me in this world, my Husband, my friend, my
protector, my all. But my Sister there is no remedy for the decrees
of providence, but submission. Brother Stephen was at the same
time very sick and not expected to live. We all thought that every
moment was his last but God was merciful to us, and spared him
to take care of his dear little Stephen. Our Brother is very anxious
for Mr. Perry to move to this country, but I dare not flatter myself
with an idea of seeing you so soon, if Stephen was sure that you
would move in the spring, he would fatten up and be a different
man, he is now nothing but a mere shadow, and if he does not quit
his desk, ride about and take more exercise, his life will be but short.
Next week he is a going out with the Surveyors and will spend a
month or more in the woods, he thinks in that time he will gain his
health. As I think it is not prudent for me to keep house alone in
this new country, I intend to have me a room put up joining Capt.
Austins, he has always been to me a brother and his wife a sister.
We have lived together so long that I cannot think of leaving them
untill you move to Brazoria. I then will devide my time. This
country is improving very fast, there is 8 or 10 rich gentlemen from
Tennessee and Alabama come here to purchase land and will bring
their families this spring and I sincerely hope that land will then
take a rise and pay Brother Stephen for all his trouble, My Sister
my constant prayer will be for you to move to this country and
cheer up Stephen. I am my-self well enough but if you was here
to tease and plague him, we could make him throw off that gloomy
melancholy look and once more show a smiling countenance.
Little Stephen has been very sick with a singular breaking out.
I at first thought it was the hives. he is now getting much better
and thank you very much for his cap and beeds. he could walk a
few steps before he was taken sick. He is now beginning to talk,
he sends his love to all his little cousins. Mr. John Austin joins me
in love to you.
Eliza W. Austin.
Mrs. Emily M. Perry.