Matamoros Jany 29, 1830
Col S. F. Austin
My dear Sir I avail myself of an opportunity to your place to
send you a pamphlet on the transfer of Texas.
Both governments were intent upon the measure, but I am
fearfull the late revolution may retard if it do not defeat the project
I send by the same conveyance a letter for T J Chambers
surveyer General . Should he be in your neighbourhood do me the
favor to receive the letter from Mr Renolds and send it to Mr
Chambers. The object of the letter is to request payment for a set
of surveyors instruments which I brought out at his request and
have had here more than six months.
The last season has been extremely sickly here. My operations
have been suspended more than three months by the sickness of all
my men. I am now endeavouring to close my business with a view
to leave this as soon as I can but it will take me some months at
best to get away.
The cotton gins sent you by Mr Coit were sent by my request
under the supposition they would be useful to you. You will please
have them sold for whatever they will fetch.
My Mexican operations have all proved very unfortunate and if
I should be so fortunate as to extricate myself from the present one
without loss to my friends I shall hardly engage in any others.
There is such an inveterate jealousy of strangers and so much perfidy
in the Mexican people that nothing conducted by a stranger can
succeed if they can prevent it. When I leave this I shall shape my
course for New Orleans and if circumstances permit will visit you
Our family has been truly unfortunate for many years past. You
are I believe the only member of it who has been successfull and
your success has been dearly purchased. Should a transfer of the
province take place you cannot fail to realize a splendid fortune
from your exertions.
We have had many rumors here of a revolutionary disposition in
the people of Texas on account of the decree freeing all slaves in
the Republic, the Mexicans appear to be very jealous of your
encreasing strength and I think the conviction that Texas cannot long
remain theirs may determine them to sell to the U S now they have
an opportunity. Major Butler who is now in Mexico as charge des
affairs has undoubtedly instructions to make the purchase if it can
be done on reasonable terms. Do me the favor to inform me at
what price a square league lands with a perfected title can be had
in the Colony. The acquisition by settlement is too tedious a
process for me to undertake besides I detest every thing that brings me
in contact with Mexican authority.
your friend and cousin Henry Austin-
PS, I have a printing press, and types, is it wanted in Texas It will not sell here as the people cannot read, the value is 1500$