James F Perry to Stephen F Austin, 07-18-1830 James F Perry Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 08-23-2010 Hugh McGuffen Esq Stephen F Austin Potosi, Missouri San Felipe de Austin, Texas Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 457-458 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 07-18-1830 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Preparations for removal to Texas. Slaves. Austin's reserve.

Potosi Mo July the 18th 1830

Dr Sr

I got home on the 12th June found all well with the addition of a fine Son, I would have wrote to you sooner but from the unsettled state of my business I heardly knew what to say. I find it will be a tedious task to settle it all up and take more time than I expected, from the most moderate calculation S. Perry and myself made we calculated we had on hands lead to pay all the debts of the firm and have some left. S. Perry has returned he only sold part and from the present prices I am afraid there will not be enough to pay off the debts of the firm, which will derange my calculations verry much I will of necessity have to remain here untill they are all paid. We have a considerable sum in the Country but times are so dull and money so scarce it is verry dificult to make collections I am anxious to move this fall but I find it will be imposible Emily is not willing to move in the spring for fear of sickness for my part I think there would be no danger if we could get there in March or April, but I expect we will be governed by your advice. I sold our house and lots we live on to Hutchings for Bells notes and expect to sell another place in a few days to John Perry for goods to be recd in Phila If I do so I will be in Phila the last of Sept. if I can get off if not I will send Mr Hunter with that we will have about 2000$ to lay out in goods in addition to our present stock which is not less than 3000$ we will try and get them in in the month of November.

While on the bay you promissed to give me a copy of an endenture to take on our negroes, Which was forgot in the hurry at S Felipe please send me one. from all the laws I see on the subject I am apprehensive an endenture on those under age would not be good we have Eight and only 3 or 4 of them is of age give me your advise on that matter to loose them after I get them there would be a serious loss to me. There has been a considerable stir here about Texas but the unsettled state of the Govrnt is a great obsticle. A good many talks of going but I doubt whether many will move or not S. T Dunklin says he will go to see it this fall I told him you had reservd a tract for him near the bay John Jones talks of starting in September by land When I read your letter which was recd in my absence stating the particulars of the grants you obtaine'd for us I was mortifyed not because the grants ware different from what I understood but at your silance on that subject to me. What the object of your silance was I am at a loss to conceive. When with you on the bay I thought you was verry reserved towards me but did not expect you would have been reserved in anything that related to the sole object of my journey to that country. Why not tell me the nature of the grants and how you intended to locate them. This I certainly think you ought to have don. from my understanding of your letter the intention of the Grant to Emily is for her eldest children which was perfectly right in you to do so when you had it in your power. And it would have been much more satisfactory to me if you had desclosed your views to me there. With regard to these children I have no reflections to make on myself I have always don for them and by them as well as I would have or could have don if they had been my own. Through the hole course of my life I have ever acted candidly towards both relatives and friends and hope ever so to do and would wish them to act so towards me. this I believe is the best course to gain and retain the confidance of each other.

The suit in N Jersey is expected to be determined in October next S. Perry is in a verry delicate health I think it doubtful whether he is long for this world. A great many of our friends here think we are going a wild goos chase when we start for Texas. Is James Austin alive yet I am afraid not. I have not seen Hammond I dont know whether he is going to Texas or not. Woodson was here last week to talk of moving Henry Bates I hear has give out the notice I have nothing more to ad. alls well, adue—

James F. Perry

Potosi Mo July 19 1830

[Addressed] : Col Stephen F Austin San Filipe de Austin Texas To the Care of Hugh McGuffen Esq post Master Sabine Post office Louissianna