Mentoco River 13 July 1825—
Stephen F. Austin Esqr.
Will you do me the favor to write me and give me the infomation
which I now ask of you— I see in the northern papers, that the
Mexican Government has passed a Decree recognizing all the Public
Debts of the country, and will pay them all, under whatever system
they were Contracted. I presume you must have this intelligence
on this your self. When Genl- Trespelassis took the command at
Galveston and on the faith of his promises and for the welfare of
mankind—I advanced the different officers and soldiers to the amount
of about Eight hundred Dollars. I have the paper issued by the
General for about four hundred Dollars. If you think this Law in
the Mexican Congress imbraces all the expenditures which I am
sure they do)—I will come out next spring and see you, and settle
in your Colony.—
Will you please write me and direct your Letter to the care of
William Taylor on Trinity, and and you will greatly oblige your
friend and Hmble. Servt
James Barnett
I will take Land for the debt—on either the Brasis or the
Direct the Letters James Barnett Mentoco River Care of
Alexander McLane Bayou Que Tortoc—