Groces Retreat, Texas Augt 17. 1825.
My Dr Sister.
I have only time to drop you a line by a Gentleman going to the
United States who promises to place this in the post Office— I
returned from the interior last week where I have been the last two
months on business— I had a severe attack of the fever while
there but soon recovered— Some time has lapsed since we have
received letters from you tho I expect there must be some in the Post
Office at N— [Natchitoches.] I have not neglected writing My
Emily every opportunity. This time last year I was enjoying the
sweet society of my only and dear Sister and her lovely little family—
When shall I experience that pleasure again? fond anticipation
whispers in my ear that period is not far distant— May the wheels
of time roll with redoubled force until that happy hour arrives------
your wild rattled brain brother spends more of his thoughts on his
dear Emily than probably she is willing to admit— but I can safely
assure her that herself and family ocupies more of my time than
any thing in this world—
I am sorry to say there is considerable sickness in the Colony this
season owing to the high freshe[t]s we have had the sickness has
generally been light, no deaths of consequence—and feel confident
from my observations so far—that it will not be very fatal—
Brother is well—and has written to you and Mr. P. about one
Month since very lengthly— I am truly happy to hear my Dr Sister
has an affectionate partner and hope the ballance of her life will not
be checkered with so many vicissitudes as the last few years—
Give my respects to Brother James and also to Mr Saml Perry
and Lady also to Mr. and Mrs. John P— tell Mrs. John P. that I
have not been able to procure the Seeds I promised-— owing to my
absence however next season I will attend to my promise
Kiss the children for me and Stephen— tell Joel and Austin to
study hard- Jas E B Austin