Rio Grande 13th October 1825.
Col. Austin
D Sir, I have been here a little better then a week, and confind
to the House the greater part of the time, but am recovering very
fast, I was taken sick a few days after leaving Saint Antonio, and
has suffered very much; I expect to leave here in a few days, for
Sant fernando and Sant Ross, from what I can learn there are a
grate many goods in this part of the County—The Indians are
still doing Mischief in this part of the Country, they stole forty
Horses from here a few days before we arrived here.— I have heard
it said by several persons here and in Sant Antonia, that Nixon
is writing against you, to the Government, and to the principal
individuals in this town, and to a number of other Towns, and
prefering charges against you, to the Government, I understand
he said he is going on to Mexico himself, and sais he has the papers,
to show what you are, I name this as a friend excuse my bad
Robert Lewis.
My nearvs are very weeke
R L.