San Jacinto October the 16th 1825
Dear Sir
I am about to buy Mr Whitlocks land provided you will take a
part of it for your fees I am getting so much in your debt I am
afraid I will never be able to pay you. this land of Whitlocks is
not a very good League but it is Very well timbered and on the
tide and some good upland and a good deal of Very good bottom
land that overflows the situation of it I think will make it Valuable I would not hezatate to purchase the Land and become paymaster to you if I thought I could pay you in time but I Know I
cant without you will take a part of the Land if you feel willing
to do so you will please to let me know it as soon as possible, if
you have any news respecting the indians or any thing else I would
be glad you would let us hear it as my old father is anxious to here
all he can and that from the best Sorce as he expects to set out for
Alabama in a short time and wishes to be able to give his friends
the best information of the country he can you will do me a favour
by writing me an answer by the first oppertunity
F H Rankin
S. F. Austin