James Cummins to Stephen F. Austin, 10-22-1825 James Cummins Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Cameron L. Sinclair Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 06-03-2010 Stephen F. Austin Unknown San Felipe de Austin, Texas Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 2, pp. 1227-1228 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 10-22-1825 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Land business.

Dear sir

Enclosed I send you the articals of agreement between John Roe and John Tumlinson Roe says that he has papers from the governor of this State to [hold] his land for his servises on any unapropriated Lands in this province, he says he will lay all his papers before you and I want you to deside on the Case we must have the Land Called for in the artical or what we have paid for it or the Value thereof. Though you will decide as you think proper when you see all the papers—but I do not believe he has one dollar to pay back for what he has recd—yours Respectfully

Jas Cummins [Rubric]

Oct. 22,1825

[Addressed:] Colo Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin