San Felipe de Austin Oct. 28th 1825.
My Dr Sister,
I receivd your much esteemed favour of the 1 of Septr in due
time, I am much pleased to hear of the great aquisition you have
made to your family besides the personal gratification it is to myself
to have another Nephew—this letter will probably be handed you
by a Mr De Witt who has promised me he would call on you on his
way to the upper part of the State—he is one of the gentlemen who
have obtained permission to settle an additional number of families
in this Department—his Grant is on the River Guadalupe, between
this and San Antonio—there is a flattering prospect at this time of
this Department being shortly filled up by American Emigrants;
this Govt have authorized four New Colonies to be settled which
will be done immediately, one lies above this on the Rivers Colorado and Brasos which if settled will be a perfect safe guard to us
against the Indians—the other 3 are East and West of us—so that
this Colony will be nearly the center—None of the other Colonys
are so rich in land as this. Neither have they such an outlet for
their produce as this—So that it is of much importance to us that
they should Settle as soon as possible—I have seen some Distressing
tales told of us in some of the News Papers of the U. S.—
particularly in the Arkansas Gacette that Paper has always evinced a
most Deadly hatred towards the settlement of this Colony and its
"Barking Editor" catches from every dirty Buck Skin Scoundrel
that has been driven from the Country for his Villanous acts—
something to insert in his "Invaluable repository" of truth and information to prevent any one from emigrating to this Colony—but
his admonition to the publick has a different effect from what he
wishes—for it only tends to keep fools and men that are much better
in Arkansas than here away Wise men and men useful to Society
pay no attention to him I think C. Ashley furnishes all the matter
he can procure against us—You must pay no attention to any tales
of this kind—
Crops are good notwithstanding that we had an unusual wet
Season last spring, and some Overflow—I shall start down the river
in a few days to establish myself permanently We will build a
Cotton Gin as soon as possible; much cotton will be planted next
season Stephen begins to think of getting him a wife "dont" be
surprized to hear of the Event of Events sooner than you imagine.
I think if Stephen gives an Example I will promise to profit by it,
tho at this time I have no Idea of the kind—When I get down below
I shall not have so many opportunities to write you tho that must
be no excuse for you Write me often you can always find matter
that will be interesting to me, if you can find nothing else give me
a touch of the News of the day the mines abound in it—
Stephen wrote you a few days since—and will write again by Mr.
De Witt Give my respects to Brother James with my congratulations on the recent Birth of a son—Kiss little Mary for me "dont"
let her forget me—tell Joel and Austin to study hard and be good
Boys—My respects to Mr. and Mrs. J Perry also to Mrs. Perry—all
my acquaintances generally—I refer you to Mr. Dewitt for all general information respecting the Colony-—
Mrs. Emily M Perry
Jas B Austin